Happy Birthday Aries & Easter Blessings! Full Moon Lunar Eclipse



Design by Sue Robertson

Aries, the fearless warrior
ruled by the fiery planet Mars
with pioneering spirit
and youthful brashness
rushes headlong into battle
undaunted by obstacles
in his path

Poem by Anne Robertson 1987

Happy Birthday to all the Aries who celebrate their birthdays from March 20 to April 21. The Sun enters Aries 20 March 3.53 pm AEDT Sydney time. The Sun enters Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac, on March 20/21 at the time of the Spring or Vernal equinox in the Northern hemisphere and the autumnal equinox in the Southern hemisphere when the days and nights are of equal length. This marks the New Year astrologically as the Sun begins its passage through the twelve signs of the zodiac. Traditionally linked with the Spring Equinox, Aries, the Ram, represents the procreative force and rebirth. Just as Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac symbolises the last part of the body, the feet, Aries represents the first part of the body, the head. The glyph for Aries has several different interpretations. From a physical point of view it symbolises the eyebrows and nose. The two down-turned horns of the ram are suggestive of the battering power of the ram who fights head on. Metaphysically the glyph for Aries represents a fountain gushing forth water symbolising consciousness in an upward and outward direction.

Aries Hall of Fame


Frank  Woolworth

Aries, with their natural zeal, drive, enterprising qualities and ambition, are drawn to careers in business and high finance. Aries are well represented as stockbrokers, venture capitalists and futures traders. J.P. Morgan and Frank Woolworth are three Aries billionaires. Mars also rules cutting implements so Aries are also well represented in the medical profession as surgeons.


Colin Powell

With Mars also symbolising war, it is not surprising to learn that Aries can be found amongst the ranks of generals.  Colin Powell, an Aries, was the U.S. chief of Staff during the First Gulf War and a retired four-star general of the United States Army. No matter what career they undertake they pursue it with great passion. Passion seems to be the key-note of great Aries musicians such as JS Bach, famous for St Matthews Passion, and artists such as Vincent Van Gogh. The poet laureate, William Wordsworth, was also an Aries as was St Teresa of Avila who experienced the Mystic Marriage with Christ. With the Aries reputation for amorous pursuits, it is not surprising to learn that the infamous Italian Casanova was an Aries

Aries always exude great magnetism on stage and screen as is the case with our celluloid heroes, Warren Beatty, Marlon Brando, Omar Sharif, Spencer Tracy, Peter Ustinov, Charlie Chaplin, Gregory Peck, and Russell Crowe of ‘Gladiator’ fame. Other notable Aries include Diana Ross, Aretha Franklin, Dudley Moore, and Gloria Steinem.

Overview for Aries for 2016

Unpredictable Uranus continues its sojourn through your sign so you can expect an exciting though at times unpredictable period freeing you up to express your individuality and assert your independence. Uranus makes connection with volatile Pluto in your career sector during 2016 which focuses on changes in career.

There are no major planets paying a visit to your finance sector this year. Venus the ruler of your finance sector will grace your finance sector with a visit there from 1-25 May which should give you an opportunity to enhance your finances

Venus the planet of love and romance will pay a visit to your love and relationship sector from 31 August to 23 September adding a sparkle to your most intimate relationships and bringing harmony.  Quicksilver Mercury follow close on the heels of Venus paying a visit to your love sector encouraging communication and networking with your significant other. Love and relationships will be highlighted when the Full Moon Eclipse occurs here on 23 March.

Home and Family
Venus and Mercury will visit your domestic sector during June and July. Mercury will be there from 30 June to 14 July giving opportunities for discussions on family matters. Venus’ presence there from 18 June to 12 July will bring harmony and opportunities for family get togethers.

Creativity, Children and Romance
The Sun, Mercury and Venus pay a visit here during July and August highlighting your sector of children, creativity and romance which should enliven these areas of life, encouraging learning, communication and play. On the whole this should be a joyful time where you can rediscover your inner child have fun and explore your creativity.

Health and Work
Jupiter and the karmic North Node are currently inhabiting your work and health sector. There will also be two eclipses in your work and health sector highlighting this area of your life there will be a New Moon Eclipse on 1 September followed by a Solar partial eclipse on 13 September. Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, should imbue you with a sense of optimism and the ability to succeed in your work.

Travel and Higher Education
Serious Saturn is continuing its sojourn through your travel and education sector bringing a more serious note to these areas of your life. You may undertake serious study and your rewards will be commensurate with your efforts. Travel will also take on a more serious tone. Feisty Mars will also pay a visit here from 3 August to 27 September enlivening this area of your life.

Mercury and Venus activate your friendship house in the earlier part of 2016. From 14 February to 5 March bringing opportunities for social networking.  Venus graces your friendship sector with her presence from 18 February 12 March bringing harmony and cooperation here.

There is strong focus on spirituality and karmic issues this year with a solar eclipse occurring in your spirituality sector as well as Neptune, the karmic South Node, Chiron, Venus and Mercury all inhabiting your 12th house of karma and spirituality. Neptune will feel at home here as it is in its own house and now in its own sign of Pisces. This will give you plenty of opportunities to retreat and explore your inner world and your spiritual essence. You may feel a desire to escape from the mundane world and attend a spiritual retreat, meditate or listen to soulful music or keep a dream journal. Neptune is about surrender and forgetting self to achieve union with a higher power so you may be inspired to be of service perhaps through working for a charity or learning one of the healing arts. Quicksilver Mercury, the messenger of the gods, pays a visit here from 6 – 27 March arousing your curiosity about matters spiritual. It may encourage communication on other than verbal levels such as practising meditation, attuning to your dreams or receiving other insights. Venus will be there from 13 March to 5 April.However you choose to attune to Neptune’s higher vibrations, it will be in this sector of your chart for almost 14 years, giving you lots of opportunities to connect with your soul.

The Paschal Full Moon Eclipse – Easter
A_wallppaer_of_easter_egg_and_rabbits_in_RomanThe Full Moon Eclipse
preceding Easter will occur on 23 March at 3 degrees 17′ Aries in Sydney. In 325CE the Council of Nicaea established that Easter would be held on the first Sunday after the first Full Moon occurring on or after the vernal equinox. From that point forward, the Easter date depended on the ecclesiastical approximation of March 21 for the vernal equinox. The date of the western Easter is based on the Gregorian calendar whereas the Eastern Orthodox tradition bases Easter on the older Julian calendar with Easter Sunday falling on 1 May.

The Origins and History of Easter
Old English Easterdæg, from Eastre (NorthumbrianEostre), from Proto-Germanic *Austron, a goddess of fertility and spring, probably originally of sunrise whose feast was celebrated at the spring equinox, from *austra-, from PIE *aus- “to shine” (especially of the dawn). Oestrogen is also derived from the word, Eostre. Bede says Anglo-Saxon Christians adopted her name and many of the celebratory practices for their Mass of Christ’s resurrection.