December Astromusings – Happy Birthday Capricorns! Neptune Stations Direct, New Moon Solar Eclipse, Full Moon in Gemini, Venus Stations Retrograde, Summer/Winter Solstice, Saturn Square Uranus, Jupiter in Pisces Two Courageous Capricorns – Greta Thunberg and Grace Tame

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Capricorn the sea goat
emerges from the ocean
Sure footed she begins
her arduous climb
to the mountain top
Forsaking mere ambition
She kneels in humility
upon the rocky summit
and receives the vision
which unlocks the secrets
to the door of life

(c) Anne Robertson 1987

The card depicts Mother Hulda, an archetypal wise old woman from Teutonic folklore, who was popularised by the Grimm Brothers. A spinner and weaver, she symbolises the workings of fate and Mother Nature, rewarding diligence and humility, and punishing idleness and greed.

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Summer/Winter Solstice 21/22 December 2021
Blessings for the Summer Solstice, or Winter Solstice if you are reading this in the northern hemisphere. The Summer Solstice which occurs 22 December 2021 Sydney coincides with the Sun entering Capricorn at 2.59 am AEDT Sydney time. The solstice occurs when the sun appears to reach its most northerly or southerly point, relative to the celestial equator on the celestial sphere. Solstice literally means “sun stands still” – the sun appears to rise in the same place for three days as it rounds the curve of its cycle.

Solstice celebrationsThe solstice has been celebrated and revered in most world cultures since time immemorial, through ritual and ceremony, welcoming the rebirth of the Sun and invoking spiritual forces during the solstice “doorway raising our level of consciousness”.

Merry Christmas and happy New Year to you all and happy birthday to all the Capricorns who celebrate their birthdays from 22 December to 20 January!

Capricorns often receive a bad press with people dismissing them as ambitious, boring etc. In keeping with the analogy of the sure footed mountain goat climbing the mountain to reach the summit they are the achievers of the zodiac. One only has to look at people such as the media personality Ita Buttrose and politicians like the former Prime Minister, Paul Keating, to see how successful they can be.

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The life of the iconic Ita inspired the popular tele movie Paper Giants, immortalising Ita Butrrose, played by the actress Asher Keddie, which scored high viewer ratings. They are far from being dull, as colourful characters like Keating still make newsworthy material long after their political demise with people flocking to see the musical, ‘Keating’.

Their ruling planet is Saturn which rules the tenth house in the chart, governing career and public life. Their motto could be slow and steady wins the race. What is not so well known is that esoterically, Capricorn is the gateway into spiritual incarnation. Therefore, their ascent to the mountaintop not only symbolises their worldly success but also their spiritual attainment. Their birthday falls between December 22 and January 20, therefore heralding the advent of Christmas which coincides with the solstices – winter in the northern hemisphere and summer in the southern hemisphere. The Sun is in Capricorn for one week in December and three in January. The word January is derived from Janus, an ancient Roman God, who is depicted in statues as having two faces, one of a young boy and the other of an old man, thus symbolising the past old year and the future new one.

The Constellation of Capricorn

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In his book Alan Oken’s Complete Astrology Alan Oken states that Capricorn is the most inconspicuous constellation in the Zodiac. It is chiefly known for the nature of its brightest star which is actually a cluster of five suns called the Algedi. The entire constellation resembles a cocked hat or a flying bird much more than it does a goat. On the western tip (of the bird’s wings) is the cluster of five already referred to and on the eastern side is another relatively bright star called Deneb Algedi ( the tail of the goat).

The Sea-Goat will appear directly in the south when the Northern Cross (or Cygnus the Swan shines directly overhead in the early autumn sky. Deneb the Tail of the Swan) is a brilliant white star directly to the north of Deneb Algedi. Altair, the first-magnitude star in Aquila the Eagle, is also directly north of the Algedi in the western portion of the constellation.

Alan Oken points out that Capricorn contains two objects of astronomical interest. The first is a global cluster southwest of Deneb Algedi. The second phenomenon, called the Capricornids, consists of a shower of long, bright, slow moving meteors which occurs each year in late July.

The Goat’s position lies entirely below the celestial equator and is surrounded by Sagittarius on the west, Aquila on the northwest, Delphinus and Cygnus due north, Aquarius on the east, and the constellations of Microscopi and Pisces Austrinus on the south.

Alice Bailey adds her esoteric interpretation of the constellation of Capricorn. She refers to three constellations connected to Capricorn. One is called Sagitta the arrow but has no connection to the sign Sagittarius. In the sign of Sagittarius there is the archer whereby the achieving aspirant pierced the personality. In Capricorn the arrow comes from the cosmic source piercing the heart of the son of God , called the Christ, the nearest to us of the great world saviours, ” a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief”. He was pierced by the arrow Sagitta, the cosmic arrow. Alice Bailey elaborates on this theme writing that the Hebrew name for this arrow means “the desolate one”, and the path that every disciple treads is necessarily a lonely one. The path of the initiate is more lonely still. The path of the world saviour is the most lonely of all.

Aquila, the eagle, is regarded as being as closely related to Capricorn as to Sagittarius. You have the bird of light (symbol of the highest aspect of man) manifesting as the soul (the second aspect) which has achieved.

In Delphinus Alice Bailey remarks about the interesting constellation that holds in it an amazing piece of symbolism. It is pictured in an ancient zodiac as a fish full of life leaping out of the water into the air and playing. That is the symbol of the son of god who, working under the law, takes form and lives in the water and the air and since he is no longer held by the physical law he can play with the forces of nature.

Saturn or Kronos in Mythology

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To understand the symbolism behind Capricorn we need to look at the mythology behind its ruler Saturn. Saturn has many different guises – he is sometimes depicted as Father Time or the Grim Reaper with his scythe or the Lord of Karma, the Taskmaster or the Devourer. His Greek name is Kronos from where the word, ‘chronology’, meaning time is derived. Kronos was the youngest of twelve Titans, born anthropomorphically of Ge – Gaia/Earth and Ouranos – Uranus/Sky. Kronos castrated his father Ouranus. Following this coup d’etat, Kronos married his sister Rhea who gave birth to four children whom he promptly swallowed, on hearing a prediction that he in turn would be overthrown by one of his children. Rhea tricks her husband by hiding the youngest child, Zeus, and giving Kronos a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes which he swallows instead, hence the reference to the Devourer.

When Zeus reaches manhood he liberates his siblings from their father’s body and after a 10 year battle Zeus in turn emerges triumphant just as his father before him had usurped power from his father, Ouranos. Therefore, Kronos or its Roman counterpart, Saturn, in our chart is associated with time, karma, the authority figure, the teacher, the father, discipline, restriction, separation, boundaries, the physical body, diligence, responsibility, guilt, depression and vulnerability. Alice Bailey in her book, The Labours of Hercules, illuminates us further on the role of Capricorn.

The Tenth Labour of Hercules

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Hercules’ Teacher tells him that his tenth task is to rescue Prometheus from his terrible  suffering in Hell, that of being chained to a rock and having his liver pecked at by vultures; the punishment meted out to him for stealing the fire of the gods. His suffering made even more terrible by the fact that he cannot die, being immortal. Before he can rescue Prometheus he must slay Cerberus, the triple-headed dog that guards the Underworld.

Hercules begins his descent into Hades or Hell until he comes to the river Styx that the souls of the deceased must cross. So sombre is the visitor from the upper world that Charon, the ferryman, forgets to charge Hercules the customary fee. After an encounter with the ugly snake-haired Medusa he has an audience with Hades, the Lord of the Underworld, who asks him what a living mortal is doing in his realms. When Hercules tells Hades what his mission is, he informs him that first he must conquer Cerberus with his bare hands, a feat no one has yet performed. If he is successful, Hades tells him he may unbind the suffering Prometheus. Hercules succeeds in slaying the snarling Cerberus by grasping the central head in a vice like grip, and causing its strength to gradually subside. Having conquered the dreaded Cerberus, he then sets free Prometheus by breaking his chains.

Bailey explains the symbolism of the three heads of Cerberus. The three heads symbolise sensation, desire and good intentions. The central head which was grasped by Hercules was the most important one, since desire underlies all sensations. The third head is good intentions not carried out. The tail of Cerberus is made of serpents which Bailey states typifies all illusions that impede the progress of spiritual life.

Capricorn Health and Anatomy

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Anatomically, Capricorn rules the skin, teeth, knees and skeleton, sometimes causing these to be vulnerable areas for Capricorns or those with a Capricorn ascendant or Saturn prominent in their charts. The book, ‘Astrology and Biochemistry’, written by Vanda Sawtell links the biochemic salts to the twelve signs of the zodiac. She states that biochemistry is an ancient Sanskrit science which was rediscovered by Dr Schuessler in the nineteenth century.

The Biochemic cell salt allocated to Capricorn is Calcium Phosphate, the principle salt used in the bony framework of the body. The body requires more Calcium phosphate than any other mineral salt as it not only plays a vital role protecting bones and teeth but also assists in assimilation and digestion. Capricorns or indeed anyone with any of these deficiencies will benefit from taking this vital cell salt. Other illnesses associated with Capricorn or Saturn afflictions are stiffness of joints and muscles, chronic rheumatic complaints, arthritis, chills, colds, catarrh and flu, deafness and depression. It is also linked to the gall bladder, calcium metabolism and anti-peristaltic movement.

Capricorn is a cold sign so Capricorns would benefit from more heat producing foods such as curries, hot soups and other spices. Bach flower remedies include mimulus, rock water and red chestnut. Homeopathic remedies include Belladonna, Nux vomica and Natrium muriaticum. Aromatherapy oils which would be beneficial are cypress, honeysuckle, myrrh and patchouli. The healing musical note is F# (F sharp).

Capricorn Hall of Fame
Capricorns are born managers and administrators, being willing to work long and hard to achieve their goals. Since they are born under the sign which rules status, prestige and worldly acclaim they want more than just a job with a good income. They want recognition for their talents.

Capricorns are drawn to careers such as banking, accountancy and insurance, and politics. Like their fellow earth sign, Virgo, Capricorns have phenomenal organisational skills and self-discipline. Their ruler, Saturn, which represents tradition, inclines Capricorns toward careers in large corporations or established business or the civil service.

Saturn rules structures so it is not surprising that many Capricorns choose careers in real estate, property development, the building and construction industry or architecture. Rules and regulations belong to Saturn’s domain, making law, especially corporate law an attractive option for Capricorns. Success seems to come naturally to Capricorns, as is the case with the billionaire Howard Hughes, Conrad Hilton, and Aristotle Onassis.

With their natural Saturnian attributes the mantle of authority sits easily on their shoulders, as is the case with political leaders such as William Gladstone and David Lloyd George. However, when Saturnian energy is misused there can be an abuse of power such as with J Edgar Hoover’s witch-hunts of Communists or the scandal of “Watergate” which occurred under the watch of Capricornian President, Richard Nixon.

Nixon and the Watergate Scandal

Joan Baez

Music is also a natural Capricorn attribute with Elvis Presley, Joan Baez, Odetta and Marianne Faithful numbered among their ranks.

Capricorn has its share of spiritual proponents in Johannes Kepler, Kahlil Gibran, Alan Watts, Maharishi Makesh Yogi, Martin Luther King Jnr., and the saints Therese Lisieux, and Bernadette of Lourdes and Saint Mary of the Cross

Saint Mary of the Cross

Greta Thunberg Time Person of the Year for 2019
One Capricorn who has made constant headlines is the Swedish teenager who inspired a global movement to fight climate change, Greta Thunberg, was announced as Time Person of the Year for 2019.

At the age of 16 she was the youngest person to be chosen by the magazine in a tradition that started in 1927. Speaking at a UN climate change summit in Madrid before the announcement, she urged world leaders to stop using “creative PR” to avoid real action. The next decade would define the planet’s future, she said. In 2018 the teenager started an environmental strike by missing lessons most Fridays to protest outside the Swedish parliament building. It sparked a worldwide movement that became popular with the hashtag #FridaysForFuture. Since then, she has become a strong voice for action on climate change, inspiring millions of students to join protests around the world. Earlier this year, she was nominated as a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Time Magazine lauded the 16-year-old from Sweden for starting an environmental campaign in August 2018 that became a global movement, initially skipping school and camping in front of the Swedish Parliament to demand action.

“In the 16 months since, she has addressed heads of state at the UN, met with the Pope, sparred with the President of the United States and inspired 4 million people to join the global climate strike on September 20, 2019, in what was the largest climate demonstration in human history,” the magazine said. Since then she has led the charge for rallies during COP 26 challenging the world’s leaders to not just talk but to take real action.

“Margaret Atwood compared her to Joan of Arc. After noticing a hundredfold increase in its usage, lexicographers at Collins Dictionary named Thunberg’s pioneering idea, climate strike, the word of the year.” But the reluctant celebrity, who has been chased by cameras and attracted large crowds at climate talks in Madrid, has urged the press to hear from other activists and indigenous young people instead.

Former US vice-president Al Gore, a longtime environmentalist, said the magazine made a “brilliant choice”. “Greta embodies the moral authority of the youth activist movement demanding that we act immediately to solve the climate crisis. She is an inspiration to me and to people across the world,” Mr Gore said. Speaking from the UN climate summit in Madrid, Ms Thunberg said she wanted to dedicate the award to all young activists.

“I was very surprised when I found out because it’s so … I could never have imagined anything like that happening. It’s so unexpected, so I am of course very grateful for that, very honoured,” she said. “But as I have said before, I should not be the one to be person of the year, it should be everyone in the Fridays for Future movement because what we have done, we have done together.”

Greta Thunberg's natal chartSometimes an actor walks on to the world stage who embodies an archetype quite distinctly.  With her babyface and the clarity of her ideas, Greta Thunberg currently embodies the archetype of the “wise child”. Capricorns are renowned for their wisdom as portrayed in the astrology greeting card above, the wisdom of the archetype  from Teutonic folklore embodied in Old Mother Hulde. Thunberg’s chart has a signature associated with “wise children” — those who are old before their time. This is the Moon in Capricorn. She was born on the day of the New Moon, and this is part of a strong stellium in Capricorn. The New Moon can give a person a kind of innocence, the kind necessary for courage — and a clarity of vision, but in Capricorn, this is never going to be a foolish innocence, but something wiser and deeper.

Her Sun is in a close conjunction with Chiron — the wounded healer — and without doubt she has taken on an enormous responsibility to try to heal the relationship between humans and Mother Nature. She has had her own challenges being on the autistic spectrum with aspergers as well as selective mutism. The other element of the Capricorn stellium is that stubborn Mercury Retrograde. You can guarantee her ideas are her own, reached through her own conclusions after extensive research — and therefore held most firmly.

Her Chiron and her Sun were right in the crosshairs of the brutal Uranus-Pluto square that dominated the years 2012-2015. She must have experienced a kind of transformative awakening at that time. At the age of 11, in 2012, she “became depressed and stopped speaking for a while”. She’d been hearing about climate change for three years, but no one seemed to be doing anything about it which caused her to fall into a deep depression.

It was only in 2018 around the time change agent Uranus squared her Mercury Retrograde. It was on 20 August 2018 that Thunberg decided not to go to school, but to protest outside the Swedish parliament instead. Mars Rx was exactly on that Mercury Rx — both at 28° Capricorn. She dug in her heels.By progression, her natal Mercury Rx makes a conjunction with her natal Chiron for the next four years. There’s a voice for the wounded earth. She has Mars conjunct Venus in Scorpio natally so is a passionate advocate for the cause of action for climate change.  Mars being the co-ruler of Scorpio is comfortable here.

Thunberg’s mission is simple: to make the grown-ups stop climate change. She’s doing this by refusing to carry on as if everything’s normal. Greta’s method is also simple: state the obvious: “You are stealing our future.”  With Saturn in Gemini, she’s a student of facts, an organiser of information. She’s one of  – the generation with Uranus and Neptune in the sign of Aquarius  – the true digital natives, of course, but also many of this generation have an easy grasp of science; for them, the idea of disputing climate change is just stupid, especially considering predictions so far have turned out to be horribly accurate. In her case, the goddess of wisdom, Pallas Athena, is also in Aquarius.

This latter is very interesting, as Pallas Athena can be visionary – a Joan of Arc, a Cassandra. She has taken it upon herself to speak for her generation — perfect for Pallas conjunct Uranus. She sees the pattern of the future unfolding. Her Pallas also makes a tight trine to Saturn in Gemini, and squares her Venus in Scorpio. That latter is another warrior aspect — a woman who wears armour.

Her blunt simple, language — Mercury Rx in Capricon quincunx Saturn in Gemini opp Pluto — is really powerful. With the North Node in Gemini, she is fulfilling her destiny as a spokesperson. It’s so interesting to see how important the voice is for Thunberg — from her selective mutism to voicing her thoughts on the world stage today, when she is meeting political leaders, addressing the UN, climate conferences across the globe. But this language is making the future seem real, it’s bringing the future more sharply into focus.  True to her Capricorn principles refusing to fly by plane contributing to pollution Greta sailed to the US and when the Climate Conference was moved from Chile to Spain she sailed all the way from America to Spain with an Australian couple who heeded her call for passage on board their boat. This may be a gift of that Aquarian generation.

It was on 20 August 2018 that Thunberg decided not to go to school, but to protest outside the Swedish parliament instead. Mars Rx was exactly on that Mercury Rx — both at 28° Capricorn. She dug in her heels. Saturn is currently taking its two year and a half year journey through Capricorn — a period of great personal growth for her. Today, Saturn also known as Father Time is at 20° Capricorn making a conjunction to the South Node. and Pluto at 22 degrees Capricorn is having its transformative effect on both her and the collective she has inspired worldwide. These two powerful astrological points will be together for a while and they are probably somewhere around Greta’s Moon. And that is her message: time is running out.

Grace Tame receives her award as Australian of the Year 2021

Grace Tame – Australian of the Year 2021
Another very prominent young Capricorn woman is Grace Tame, Australian of the year. Just as Greta is a warrior for real action on climate, Grace is a fierce advocate for change for survivors of sexual abuse. Grace was born on 28 December 1994 in Hobart Tasmania time unknown. Like Greta Grace revealed in a TV program that she is on the autism spectrum. They have both been through a baptism of fire in their childhood and teen years. In Greta’s case as well as being on the autism spectrum she has aspergers and selective mutism. At the age of 11, in 2012, she “became depressed and stopped speaking for a while”. She’d been hearing about climate change for three years, but no one seemed to be doing anything about it which caused her to fall into a deep depression. In Grace’s case she was sexually abused by an older child at the age of 6 and suffered from anorexia. At her most vulnerable point at age 15 Grace was groomed and sexually abused by her maths teacher. Both have a stellium (a cluster of planets) in Capricorn intensifying the Saturnian energy in their charts. In Greta’s case she has Sun, Moon, Mercury and Chiron in Capricorn and in Grace’s case she has Sun, Mercury, Neptune and Uranus in Capricorn. Capricorns often receive a bad press written off as ambitious, gloomy and ruthless. However, esoterically according to the teachings of Alice Bailey while Cancer is the gate into physical incarnation, Capricorn is the gate to the spiritual kingdom. Therefore, both Greta and Grace are advanced souls who have incarnated to go through their suffering in order to not only heal themselves but to help heal the collective.

“Eat My Fear”
What is striking about Grace’s chart is that she also has 3 planets, Moon, Venus and Pluto in its own sign of Scorpio which rules sex, death and transformation. This T square is in mutable signs with the addition of Pluto in the last degree (anaretic) degree of the fixed sign Scorpio. Pluto in Scorpio conjuncts Jupiter in Sagittarius squaring Mars in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces. Pluto in its own sign of Scorpio alone is very challenging but coupled with Mars it intensifies the potential volatility which could include violence and in Grace’s case included not only her suffering sexual abuse by the older child and then by her maths teacher but as she admitted in interviews she also carried out self harm by cutting and piercing herself. This Plutonian energy is magnified by the conjunction to Jupiter. The opposition from Saturn to Mars would put the brakes on her Martian energy of assertiveness and ability to express her anger and as Grace admitted when she finally confronted her abuser and finally put a stop to his abuse it only occurred when her anger overcame her fear. She shared that she has a tattoo on the back of her hand which reads: “Eat my fear”. She explained, “It’s about swallowing the terror and moving forward regardless. “That’s what predators weaponise – they weaponise our fear. That’s the foundation of their psychological manipulation, which is a huge element of prolonged sexual abuse. “I say, no, let’s transfer it back into their hearts, where it belongs.” The placement of Saturn, the ruling planet of her sun sign, in Pisces could denote fear and anxiety as well as compassion and intuition.

Another interesting factor of the T square is the fact that Mars is in the sign of Virgo which rules digestion which would relate to Grace’s suffering from anorexia. Jupiter in its own sign of Sagittarius, which rules law, higher education and overseas travel. She expressed this Jupiterian energy as a bright student who gained an ATAR score of 98.3 in the higher school certificate. After which she travelled to America where she completed two associate degrees in theatre arts and liberal arts at Santa Barbara City college. She is now an artist, with high-profile clients including comedian John Cleese. Another aspect of her strong Jupiterian ability is her athletic ability which included winning a marathon in 2020, an accomplishment she spoke of in her acceptance speech with a hint of awe. “Eleven years ago, I was in hospital, anorexic with atrophied muscles, I struggled to walk,” she said. “Last year I ran a marathon. “We do transform as individuals and as a community.” Despite all the trauma she has suffered in her young life she still exudes optimism and has inspired many other women to speak their truth such as Brittany Higgins whose sexual abuse allegedly by another staffer in Parliament House Canberra acted as a catalyst to force the Federal Government to finally take action to redress this situation that had been happening under their very noses that had been brushed under the carpet for a very long time.

Grace Tame is also a talented runner who last year won a marathon.
Grace Tame is also a talented runner who last year won a marathon. (Instagram: Grace Tame)

Jupiter also represents truth and once Grace transcended her fear after confronting her abuser she has not been backward in coming forward in speaking truth to power during her tenure as Australian of the year. Her strong Scorpionic energy not only makes her a charismatic speaker but it has also enabled her to rise like the phoenix from the ashes being reborn as the advocate for victims of abuse regardless of their gender.

#letherspeak Campaign
As mentioned above Jupiter rules law and Grace has been instrumental in overturning an archaic law when she won permission from the Supreme Court to tell her story in 2019. She, along with 16 other survivors of the #letherspeak campaign – created by journalist Nina Funnell in partnership with Marque Lawyers and End Rape On Campus Australia – would ultimately succeed in overturning Tasmania’s archaic gag law.

Blame the Victim Tropes
When she first reported the abuse, Grace said she was shamed and bullied by other kids in the playground and suffered all the typical misogynistic tropes that female victims of sexual abuse endure. She was called a “slut” and a “homewrecker” because her abuser was married. She was also forced to hear sneering gossip around Hobart about the court case. In the years that followed, the media would also play a role in softening the portrayal of her abuser, a convicted paedophile. In December 2017, controversial commentator and former sex therapist Bettina Arndt interviewed her abuser. who claimed Grace’s behaviour was “sexually provocative” and that school girls “exploit their seductive powers to ruin the lives of men”. He said: “I lost everything, I lost my home … I lost my job, I lost my status in the community. I lost absolutely everything. It was a devastating time [for me]”.All the while, Grace was legally unable to respond until she successfully overturned the gag law. The Pluto in Scorpio square Mars would indicate that she could be on the receiving end of such projections.

Now, 11 years into her journey, Grace has vowed to use her title to “keep going on this train of change”, saying her work normalising conversations around sexual assault is far from over.

Marie Claire’s Women of the Year – Grace Tame and Brittany Higgins
In an article written by Women’s Agenda they say: “Brittany Higgins and Grace Tame have appeared together on the cover of Marie Claire’s “Women of the Year” issue, with the magazine recognising them for their “bravery, honesty and smarts” this year.

Grace Tame was named 2021’s Australian of the Year for her advocacy for survivors of child sexual abuse, and former Liberal staffer Brittany Higgins shot to national prominence this year after she bravely made the allegation that she was raped by a colleague at Parliament House in 2019.

Together, the two women have propelled a national conversation about sexual abuse and violence, as well as a debate about the treatment of women in parliament and the workplace.

“In the face of intense and ongoing scrutiny, they have led with compassion, embodied courage and spoken with conviction about their experiences of sexual assault and the institutional inaction they faced subsequently,” Marie Claire wrote about the cover stars.

“Since Tame’s impassioned Australian of the Year acceptance speech captured the attention of the nation on January 25, the advocate for survivors of child sexual assault has become a powerhouse of progress, her stance igniting a reckoning for the women of Australia.

“Meanwhile, Higgins will forever be synonymous with sparking a furious debate on gender-based violence and safety within Australian politics – and the workplace in general – following her brave decision to publicly allege she was raped by a colleague inside Parliament House. Tame and Higgins have since developed a friendship this year.

Overview for Capricorn for 2021 – 2022
Pluto continues its passage through your sign, Capricorn, bringing change and transformation in its wake. Saturn, your ruling planet, and Jupiter continue their passage through your solar second house of finances and values. Uranus, the planet of sudden change, continues its passage through your creativity, children and romance bringing the unpredictability in this area of your life. Neptune continues its passage through your solar third house of the immediate environment while Chiron, the wounded healer, is inhabiting your domestic sector.

Two planetary visitors will move through your career sector. Quicksilver Mercury Mercury pays visits to your career sector from 2 – 26 January and again from 20 January to 4 February 2022 facilitating communication and networking with your coworkers or employers. Positively, it is an ideal time to reassess your career options. Gentle Venus graces your career sector with her presence from 16 August to 11 October 2021 bringing harmony in your work place.

Work and Health
Your work and health sector is activated by the karmic North Node and by a solar annular eclipse which occurs on 10 July 2021.

Lucky Jupiter moves out of your finance sector on 29 December 2021 while serious Saturn continues its passage through your finance sector throughout 2022 giving you an opportunity to consolidate your finances Saturn would. Mercury, the planet of commerce, pays two visits here, the first being from from 2 – 26 January and the second visit from 15 February to – 10 March 2022. Venus, the planet of finance, will grace your finance sector with her presence from 6 March to 6 April 2022, boosting your finances.

Travel and Higher Education
There are two planetary visitors that will be in your travel and higher education sector in 2021. Venus, the goddess of love and pleasure, visits your travel and education sector from 22 July to 16 August 2021 making it an ideal time for that romantic getaway or pleasure cruise. Mercury’s presence here from 12 – 30 August will facilitate your capacity for study and research.

Communication and Immediate Environment
Nebulous Neptune continues its passage through your communication and immediate environment sector enabling you to tune into its energy enhancing your intuitive and creative power.

Home and Family
The presence of Chiron, the wounded healer, in your domestic sector encourages you to face and heal any family wounds. I would be an ideal time to undertake renovations, especially when Venus graces your domestic sector with her presence from 22 March to 15 April 2021 to beautify your home will be strong. Venus will also inspire you to entertain and will promote harmonious family relations. Quicksilver Mercury pays a visit to your domestic sector from 4 – 19 April 2021 encouraging communicating and networking with family members.

Romance, Children and Creativity
Uranus, the planet of sudden change continues its passage through your romance, creativity and children sector bringing changes to this area of your life. This sector is also highlighted by a partial lunar eclipse on 19 December 2021. Other cosmic visitors include Mercury, Venus and Ceres.  Venus, the Goddess of Love, graces your children and romance sector with her presence from 15 April to 9 May 2021 bringing creative inspiration, fun and pleasure to the areas of romance and children. Mercury will pay a visit here from 19 April to 4 May 2021 facilitating communication and networking with your children and romantic partners. The normally serious Capricorn should be able to down tools and embrace the inner child and have some fun! The presence of Ceres, the Universal Mother, here will bring your nurturing instincts to the fore.

Two cosmic visitors to your relationship, marriage and partnership sector are Venus and Mercury. Venus’s presence here from 2 – 27 June 2021 will enhance your love prospects. Mercury will pay a prolonged visit here from 12 – 28 July 2021 encouraging communication with your partners and business associates. This will facilitate communications within your intimate and business partnerships.

Cosmic visitors to your social sector include Venus, Mercury and Mars. Venus lends her charm here from 11 September to 7 October 2021 allowing you to forge positive bonds with friends. Communication and networking is emphasised when Mercury pays a visit here from 6 – 25 November 2021 encouraging socialising and expanding your social networks. Dynamic Mars will make its presence felt here from 31 October to 13 December 2021 ensuring that you are bound to have a busy social calendar for the festive season.

Your spirituality sector is highlighted the karmic South Node and two eclipses – the first is lunar partial eclipse occurring on 26 May 2021 and the second is solar total eclipse which occurs on 4 December 2021. Cosmic visitors include Mercury, Venus and Mars. Quicksilver Mercury pays a visit here from 25 November to 14 December 2021 facilitating  communication in this area of your life. It would be an ideal time to keep a journal of your dreams and spiritual aspirations. Venus graces your spirituality sector from 7 October to 5 November 2021 bringing harmony here. Feisty Mars makes its presence felt here from 13 December 2021 to 24 January 2022 making it an ideal time to channel this dynamic energy by pursuing activities such as martial arts or yoga.

New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius & Neptune Stations Direct
The New Moon Solar Eclipse occured at 12 Sagittarius degrees 22 at 6.42 pm on 4 December 2021. There are some very potent astrological signatures in play in December, so it’s appropriate that the month kicks off with this potent New Moon. This New Moon is both a Solar Eclipse and an invisible Supermoon. The eclipse is only visible from Antarctica. Solar Eclipses are opportunities to view things from a different perspective. When the Sun and Moon unite, these unique displays remind us of the scope and beauty of the universe. Significantly, Neptune stations direct on 2 December two days before this New Moon, enhancing opportunities for integration. The Sun symbolises consciousness and the masculine principle and the Moon represents the unconscious and the realm of the feminine, so when the two come together there is an opportunity to regroup. Neptune is also a symbol of the unconscious, the imaginal realm and dreams so at this eclipse we have the opportunity to focus on our inner journey and achieve spiritual and creative inspiration.

On the downside Neptune also rules illusions, delusions and deception which can undermine some people’s ability to discern between fact and fiction. It has created an alternative reality that many people have decided is something they can believe in such as QAnon proliferating conspiracy theories and fake news. As always with powerful alignments, and especially eclipses, and Supermoons, there is added stress on the Earth’s crust which can cause high tides, earthquakes or volcanoes in sensitive regions of the Earth. We have witnessed extreme weather events with a tornado in mid west USA leaving a trail of devastation across six states and a micro-burst storm in Sydney’s northern beaches. The Sun and Moon are quincunx (150 degrees apart from) Uranus, so once again the rebel planet is asking us to expand consciousness but this could involve an awkward adjustment.

Full Moon in Gemini 19 December 2021 & Venus Stations Direct
The full Moon occurs at 27 degrees Gemini 28 at 3.56 pm on 19 December which coincides with the Galactic Centre. This alignment between the Full Moon and the Galactic Centre highlights the month of December as being of great significance for our planet Earth and for the galaxy. This Full Moon is a huge finale to what has been a tumultuous year. Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, which is in a tight square with Chiron, the wounded healer. Chiron is within hours of its stationary direct. This combination highlights the power of words to heal, or to wound.
Venus, the planet whose dominion is love and relationships as well as finances and values, is within hours of stationing retrograde. The Venus synod is 584 days long, and 40 of these are retrograde. From now until the end of January we have an opportunity to let go of any personal or business relationships that are no longer worth our while.

Summer/Winter Solstice 21/22 December
There is a great deal of potential celestial activity in December and the Solstice falls right in the midst of it all. Perhaps the most potent alignment to consider at this Solstice is the Venus station and its conjunction to Pluto. Venus stationing retrograde during the festive season could put a bit of dampener on our social activities with people cancelling some of their pre Christmas get togethers to avoid catching the new variant, Omicron, which is many times more infectious than previous variants.

Saturn Square Uranus exact on Christmas Eve
Meanwhile, we have the last hit of the Saturn-Uranus square to contend with. This will be exact on Christmas Eve at 11 degrees Aquarius – Taurus, but it will continue to be felt for some time to come, manifesting as continuing unrest in social and political circles. This square will intensify the already strong polarisation between governments and health authorities versus the freedom warriors and conspiracy theorists. Saturn will make a square by degree to Uranus but not to the minute in October 2022 but it will be close enough to prolong the ongoing clash between the old and the new and the establishment versus the individual. Ceres, the Universal Mother, and dynamic Mars will join the Nodal Axis, asking us to find middle ground and balance between self nurturing and overt activity as we weigh up our options.

Venus Conjunct Pluto on Christmas Day
Venus is also making a tight conjunction to transformative Pluto at 26 degrees 29 and 25 degrees respectively at the Full Moon and which will be exact on Christmas day which could add extra tension to family celebrations. It also serves as a strong indication that we need to let go and move on from any toxic situation, or relationship. It could herald strong karmic connections where an old flame or lover could resurface in your life eliciting strong emotions connected to your past. It could denote obsessive or possessive relationships which are based on manipulation or coercive control where a partner or adult child takes complete control of their partner’s or elderly parent’s finances. Interestingly it coincides with the NSW Government’s commitment to pass laws to outlaw coercive control following an inquiry into the form of intimate abuse. This powerful conjunction also highlights values, currencies,, wealth, stock markets, banking and corporations (Capricorn) acting as a catalyst to reassess our values and finances.

T Square from Neptune to the Full Moon, Mercury Venus Pluto Conjunction on 29 – 30 December
This formation could reveal secrets, sexual secrets of the powerful. Another powerful alignment which occurs at the very end of the year when Mercury joins Pluto and Venus in a conjunction. This could herald more shocking revelations will come to light and this could point to the Ghislaine Maxwell trial that is currently wrapping up in the USA.

Jupiter enters Pisces 29 December 2021
Some good news to end on is that Jupiter, the traditional ruler of Pisces will re- enter Pisces on 29 December helping us relax and unwind over the Christmas break. It will remain there until 11 May 2022. This should usher in more some much needed spiritual hope and optimism after a very challenging and sometimes dark two years. This affords us an opportunity to express our gratitude in whichever way we may choose. Volunteering to help those less fortunate than ourselves could be a worthwhile way this benevolent energy, especially during the festive season. In February 2022 we can look forward to an incredible renewal and rebirth. Creativity in all its forms have the potential to grow in early 2022. New relationships and connections have the potential to flourish. Opportunities abound in 2022.

To end on a positive note the festive season is upon us, a time of goodwill. Let us hope that 2022 will be a good one where humanity can resolve some of the major conflicts with less polarisation and foster a spirit of peace and harmony finding consensus for the major challenges facing us namely climate change, pandemics poverty and increasing inequality.

Capricorn Greeting Card Illustrated by Sue Robertson
Capricorn Poem by Anne Robertson
Esoteric Astrology Volume 3 Treatise on the Seven Rays by Alice A. Bailey
Soul-Centred Astrology: A Key to your Expanding Self  by Alan Oken
Alan Oken’s Complete Astrology by Alan Oken
The Labours of Hercules by Alice A. Bailey
Astrological Keys to Self-actualization & Self-realization by Clara A. Weiss
Astrology and Biochemistry by Vanda Sawtell
Insights Newsletter by Michele Finey
Greta Thunberg, One of the Wise Children – Oxford Astrologer
‘Beacons of Hope’: Brittany Higgins and Grace Tame grace the cover of Marie Claire by Women’s Agenda
The Next Step by Pam Gregory

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December Astromusings – Happy Birthday Capricorns! – Blessings for the Summer/Winter Solstice! Seasons Greetings! New Moon in Sagittarius

Illustrated by Sue Robertson

Capricorn the sea goat
emerges from the ocean
Sure footed she begins
her arduous climb
to the mountain top
Forsaking mere ambition
She kneels in humility
upon the rocky summit
and receives the vision
which unlocks the secrets
to the door of life

(c) Anne Robertson 1987


The card depicts Mother Hulda, an archetypal wise old woman from Teutonic folklore, who was popularised by the Grimm Brothers. A spinner and weaver, she symbolises the workings of fate and Mother Nature, rewarding diligence and humility, and punishing idleness and greed.

Blessings for the Summer Solstice, or Winter Solstice if you are reading this in the northern hemisphere. The Summer Solstice which occurs 22 December 2017  3.27 am Sydney time coincides with the Sun entering Capricorn. Merry Christmas or happy Hanukkah and happy New Year to you all and happy birthday to all the Capricorns who celebrate their birthday from 22 December to 20 January.

Capricorns often receive a bad press with people dismissing them as ambitious, boring etc. In keeping with the analogy of the sure footed mountain goat climbing the mountain to reach the summit they are the achievers of the zodiac. One only has to look at people such as the media personality Ita Buttrose and politicians like the former Prime Minister, Paul Keating, to see how successful they can be.

The life of the iconic Ita inspired the popular tele movie Paper Giants, immortalised by the actress Asher Keddie, which scored high viewer ratings. They are far from being dull, as colourful characters like Keating still make newsworthy material long after their political demise with people flocking to see the musical, ‘Keating’.

Their ruling planet is Saturn which rules the tenth house in the chart, governing career and public life. Their motto could be slow and steady wins the race. What is not so well known is that esoterically, Capricorn is the gateway into spiritual incarnation. Therefore, their ascent to the mountaintop not only symbolises their worldly success but also their spiritual attainment. Their birthday falls between December 23 and January 20, therefore heralding the advent of Christmas which coincides with the solstices – winter in the northern hemisphere and summer in the southern hemisphere. The Sun is in Capricorn for one week in December and three in January. The word January is derived from Janus, an ancient Roman God, who is depicted in statues as having two faces, one of a young boy and the other of an old man, thus symbolising the past old year and the future new one.

The Constellation of Capricorn

In his book Alan Oken’s Complete Astrology Alan Oken states that Capricorn is the most inconspicuous constellation in the Zodiac. It is chiefly known for the nature of its brightest star which is actually a cluster of five suns called the Algedi. The entire constellation resembles a cocked hat or a flying bird much more than it does a goat. On the western tip (of the bird’s wings) is the cluster of five already referred to and on the eastern side is another relatively bright star called Deneb Algedi ( the tail of the goat).

The Sea-Goat will appear directly in the south when the Northern Cross (or Cygnus the Swan shines directly overhead in the early autumn sky. Deneb the Tail of the Swan) is a brilliant white star directly to the north of Deneb Algedi. Altair, the first-magnitude star in Aquila the Eagle, is also directly north of the Algedi in the western portion of the constellation.

Alan Oken points out that Capricorn contains two objects of astronomical interest. The first is a global cluster southwest of Deneb Algedi. the second phenomenon, called the Capricornids, consists of a shower of long, bright, slow moving meteors which occurs each year in late July.

The Goat’s position lies entirely below the celestial equator and is surrounded by Sagittarius on the west, Aquila on the northwest, Delphinus and Cygnus due north, Aquarius on the east, and the constellations of Microscopi and Pisces Austrinus on the south.

Alice Bailey adds her esoteric interpretation of the constellation of Capricorn. She refers to three constellations connected to Capricorn. One is called Sagitta the arrow but has no connection to the sign Sagittarius. In the sign of Sagittarius there is the archer whereby the achieving aspirant pierced the personality. In Capricorn the arrow comes from the cosmic source piercing the heart of the son of God , called the Christ, the nearest to us of the great world saviours, ” a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief”. He was pierced by the arrow Sagitta, the cosmic arrow. Alice Bailey elaborates on this theme writing that the Hebrew name for this arrow means “the desolate one”, and the path that every disciple treads is necessarily a lonely one. The path of the initiate is more lonely still. The path of the world saviour is the most lonely of all.

Aquila, the eagle, is regarded as being as closely related to Capricorn as to Sagittarius. You have the bird of light (symbol of the highest aspect of man) manifesting as the soul (the second aspect) which has achieved.

In Delphinus Alice Bailey remarks about the interesting constellation that holds in it an amazing piece of symbolism. It is pictured in an ancient zodiac as a fish full of life leaping out of the water into the air and playing. That is the symbol of the son of god who, working under the law, takes form and lives in the water and the air and since he is no longer held by the physical law he can play with the forces of nature.

Saturn or Kronos in Mythology

To understand the symbolism behind Capricorn we need to look at the mythology behind its ruler Saturn. Saturn has many different guises – he is sometimes depicted as Father Time or the Grim Reaper with his scythe or the Lord of Karma, the Taskmaster or the Devourer. His Greek name is Kronos from where the word, ‘chronology’, meaning time is derived. Kronos was the youngest of twelve Titans, born anthropomorphically of Ge – Gaia/Earth and Ouranos – Uranus/Sky. Kronos castrated his father Ouranus. Following this coup d’etat, Kronos married his sister Rhea who gave birth to four children whom he promptly swallowed, on hearing a prediction that he in turn would be overthrown by one of his children. Rhea tricks her husband by hiding the youngest child, Zeus, and giving Kronos a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes which he swallows instead, hence the reference to the Devourer. When Zeus reaches manhood he liberates his siblings from their father’s body and after a 10 year battle Zeus in turn emerges triumphant just as his father before him had usurped power from his father, Ouranos. Therefore, Kronos or its Roman counterpart, Saturn, in our chart is associated with time, karma, the authority figure, the teacher, the father, discipline, restriction, separation, boundaries, the physical body, diligence, responsibility, guilt, depression and vulnerability. Alice Bailey in her book, The Labours of Hercules, illuminates us further on the role of Capricorn.

The Tenth Labour of Hercules

Hercules’ Teacher tells him that his tenth task is to rescue Prometheus from his terrible suffering in Hell, that of being chained to a rock and having his liver pecked at by vultures; the punishment meted out to him for stealing the fire of the gods. His suffering made even more terrible by the fact that he cannot die, being immortal. Before he can rescue Prometheus he must slay Cerberus, the triple-headed dog that guards the Underworld. Hercules begins his descent into Hades or Hell until he comes to the river Styx that the souls of the deceased must cross. So sombre is the visitor from the upper world that Charon, the ferryman, forgets to charge Hercules the customary fee. After an encounter with the ugly snake-haired Medusa he has an audience with Hades, the Lord of the Underworld, who asks him what a living mortal is doing in his realms. When Hercules tells Hades what his mission is, he informs him that first he must conquer Cerberus with his bare hands, a feat no one has yet performed. If he is successful, Hades tells him he may unbind the suffering Prometheus. Hercules succeeds in slaying the snarling Cerberus by grasping the central head in a vice like grip, and causing its strength to gradually subside. Having conquered the dreaded Cerberus, he then sets free Prometheus by breaking his chains. Bailey explains the symbolism of the three heads of Cerberus. The three heads symbolise sensation, desire and good intentions. The central head which was grasped by Hercules was the most important one, since desire underlies all sensations. The third head is good intentions not carried out. The tail of Cerberus is made of serpents which Bailey states typifies all illusions that impede the progress of spiritual life.

Capricorn Health and Anatomy

Anatomically, Capricorn rules the skin, teeth, knees and skeleton, sometimes causing these to be vulnerable areas for Capricorns or those with a Capricorn ascendant or Saturn prominent in their charts. The book, ‘Astrology and Biochemistry’, written by Vanda Sawtell links the biochemic salts to the twelve signs of the zodiac. She states that biochemistry is an ancient Sanskrit science which was rediscovered by Dr Schuessler in the nineteenth century. The Biochemic cell salt allocated to Capricorn is Calcium Phosphate, the principle salt used in the bony framework of the body. The body requires more Calcium phosphate than any other mineral salt as it not only plays a vital role protecting bones and teeth but also assists in assimilation and digestion. Capricorns or indeed anyone with any of these deficiencies will benefit from taking this vital cell salt. Other illnesses associated with Capricorn or Saturn afflictions are stiffness of joints and muscles, chronic rheumatic complaints, arthritis, chills, colds, catarrh and flu, deafness and depression. It is also linked to the gall bladder, calcium metabolism and anti-peristaltic movement. Capricorn is a cold sign so Capricorns would benefit from more heat producing foods such as curries, hot soups and other spices. Bach flower remedies include mimulus, rock water and red chestnut. Homeopathic remedies include Belladonna, Nux vomica and Natrium muriaticum. Aromatherapy oils which would be beneficial are cypress, honeysuckle, myrrh and patchouli. The healing musical note is F# (F sharp).

Capricorn Hall of Fame
Capricorns are born managers and administrators, being willing to work long and hard to achieve their goals. Since they are born under the sign which rules status, prestige and worldly acclaim they want more than just a job with a good income. They want recognition for their talents. Capricorns are drawn to careers such as banking, accountancy and insurance, and politics. Like their fellow earth sign, Virgo, Capricorns have phenomenal organisational skills and self-discipline. Their ruler, Saturn, which represents tradition, inclines Capricorns toward careers in large corporations or established business or the civil service. Saturn rules structures so it is not surprising that many Capricorns choose careers in real estate, property development, the building and construction industry or architecture. Rules and regulations belong to Saturn’s domain, making law, especially corporate law an attractive option for Capricorns. Success seems to come naturally to Capricorns, as is the case with the billionaire Howard Hughes, Conrad Hilton, and Aristotle Onassis. With their natural Saturnian attributes the mantle of authority sits easily on their shoulders, as is the case with political leaders such as William Gladstone and David Lloyd George. However, when Saturnian energy is misused there can be an abuse of power such as with J Edgar Hoover’s witch-hunts of Communists or the scandal of “Watergate” which occurred under the watch of Capricornian President, Richard Nixon.

Nixon and the Watergate Scandal

Joan Baez

Music is also a natural Capricorn attribute with Elvis Presley, Joan Baez, Odetta and Marianne Faithful numbered among their ranks.

Capricorn has its share of spiritual proponents in Johannes Kepler, Kahlil Gibran, Alan Watts, Maharishi Makesh Yogi, Martin Luther King Jnr., and the saints Therese Lisieux, and Bernadette of Lourdes and Saint Mary of the Cross

Saint Mary of the Cross


Overview for Capricorn for 2018

Pluto continues its passage through your sign, Capricorn, bringing change and transformation in its wake. Saturn, your ruling planet, moves in to your sign, Capricorn on 20 December. Uranus, the planet of sudden change, continues its passage through your domestic sector bringing the unpredictability in this area of your life. Lucky Jupiter continues its passage through your career and goals sector bringing new opportunities to this area of your life. You may even combine travel and work with business trips overseas.

You should have reaped the benefits from Lucky Jupiter’s passage through your career sector until October 2017 imbuing you with enthusiasm to achieve your goals with opportunities to expand your career and gain that much sought after promotion.

Your finance sector will be highlighted by the karmic South Node and two eclipses – a solar eclipse occurs on 15 February 2018 in the 2nd house of your money and possessions, and a total lunar eclipse occurs on 27 July 2018. A total lunar eclipse occurs on 31 January and solar eclipse occurs on 11 August 2018 in your 8th house of debt, taxes and other people’s money.

Travel and Higher Education
Travel and Higher education are highlighted with the presence of the karmic north node in your travel and higher education centre. Venus the goddess of love and pleasure visits your travel and education sector from 11 July to 6 August making it an ideal time for that romantic getaway or pleasure cruise. Mercury’s presence here from 7  – 22 September will facilitate your capacity study and research.

Communication and Immediate Environment
Your communication and immediate environment sector is being activated by feisty Mars, nebulous Neptune and Chiron. Dynamic Mars makes its presence felt here from 16 November 2018 to 1 January 2019. During this time you could find yourself embroiled in disputes with siblings or neighbours but once Mars makes its exit you should be able to tune into the gentler Neptunian energy which would enhance your intuitive and creative powers.

Home and Family
Uranus, the co ruler of Capricorn and the planet of upheaval and sudden change, continues its passage through your solar 4th house of home and family so you can expect changes in this area of your life. It could be summed up as “Expect the unexpected! ”  It would be an ideal time to move house or undertake renovations, especially when Venus graces your domestic sector with her presence from 7 – 31 March the urge to beautify your home will be strong. Venus will also inspire you to entertain and will promote harmonious family relations. Quicksilver Mercury pays a visit to your domestic sector from 7 March to 13 May encouraging communicating and networking with family members.

Romance, Children and Creativity
Cosmic visitors include Mercury and Venus. Venus, the Goddess of Love, graces your children and romance sector with her presence from 1 – 21 April bringing creative inspiration, fun and pleasure to the areas of romance and children. Mercury pays a visit from 14 – 29 May encouraging communication with your children. The normally serious Capricorn should be able to down tools and embrace the inner child and have some fun!

Your relationship, marriage and partnership sector is highlighted by a solar partial eclipse on 13 July 2018. Venus’s presence here from 20 May to 13 June will enhance your love prospects. Mercury’s presence here from 13 – 29 June will facilitate communications within your intimate and business partnerships.

Jupiter, the planet of good fortune,  in your friendship sector promotes expanding social networks.  Venus lends her charm here from 3 December 2018 to 7 January 2019 allowing you to forge positive bonds with friends. Communication and networking is emphasised when Mercury pays a visit here from 11 – 31 October  encouraging socialising and expanding your social networks. You are bound to have a busy social calendar.

Karmic Saturn continues finally moves out of your 12th house of spirituality on 21 December 2017. Lucky Jupiter will move into your spirituality sector on 9 November 2018. Jupiter is where you seek meaning in life so you will be exploring your deeper spiritual urges. Quicksilver Mercury spends an extended visit here from 1 November 2018 to 5 January 2019 facilitating  communication in this area of your life. It would be an ideal time to keep a journal of your dreams and spiritual aspirations. Part Of Mercury’s time here will be in retrograde motion from 17 November to 5 December which will encourage introspection.

New Moon in Sagittarius
A New Moon in Sagittarius at 26 degrees 31′ will occur on 18 December at 5.30 pm. A new moon is a time to set your intentions for the upcoming cycle. The close alignment of the New Moon with Venus augurs well for harmonious festive season. Mercury, the planet that rules Gemini, will turn direct on 23 December just in time for Christmas festivities. Saturn, the planet of reality, practicality and structure will leave idealistic Sagittarius and move into its own sign of Capricorn on 20 December enabling you to manifest your visions in a practical fashion.

Capricorn Greeting Card Illustrated by Sue Robertson
Capricorn Poem by Anne Robertson
Esoteric Astrology Volume 3 Treatise on the Seven Rays by Alice A. Bailey
Soul-Centred Astrology: A Key to your Expanding Self  by Alan Oken
Alan Oken’s Complete Astrology by Alan Oken
The Labours of Hercules by Alice A. Bailey
Astrological Keys to Self-actualization & Self-realization by Clara A. Weiss
Astrology and Biochemistry by Vanda Sawtell



Design by Sue Robertson

Capricorn the sea goat
emerges from the ocean
Sure footed she begins
her arduous climb
to the mountain top
Forsaking mere ambition
She kneels in humility
upon the rocky summit
and receives the vision
which unlocks the secrets
to the door of life

By Anne Robertson 1987

The card depicts Mother Hulda, an archetypal wise old woman from Teutonic folklore, who was popularised by the Grimm Brothers. A spinner and weaver, she symbolises the workings of fate and Mother Nature, rewarding diligence and humility, and punishing idleness and greed.

Paul Keating

Happy Summer Solstice or Winter Solstice if you are reading this in the northern hemisphere, merry Christmas or happy Hanukkah and happy New Year to you all and happy birthday to all the Capricorns! Capricorns often receive a bad press with people dismissing them as ambitious, boring etc. In keeping with the analogy of the sure footed mountain goat climbing the mountain to reach the summit they are the achievers of the zodiac. One only has to look at people such as the media personality Ita Buttrose and politicians like the former Prime Minister, Paul Keating, to see how successful they can be.

Ita Buttrose & Asher Keddie

The life of the iconic Ita inspired the recent popular tele movie Paper Giants, immortalised by the actress Asher Keddie, which scored high viewer ratings. They are far from being dull, as colourful characters like Keating still make newsworthy material long after their political demise with people flocking to see the musical, ‘Keating’. Their ruling planet is Saturn which rules the tenth house in the chart, governing career and public life. Their motto could be slow and steady wins the race. What is not so well known is that esoterically, Capricorn is the gateway into spiritual incarnation. Therefore, their ascent to the mountaintop not only symbolises their worldly success but also their spiritual attainment. Their birthday falls between December 23 and January 20, therefore heralding the advent of Christmas which coincides with the solstices – winter in the northern hemisphere and summer in the southern hemisphere. The Sun is in Capricorn for one week in December and three in January. The word January is derived from Janus, an ancient Roman God, who is depicted in statues as having two faces, one of a young boy and the other of an old man, thus symbolising the past old year and the future new one.

The Constellation of Capricorn

Constellation of Capricorn

In his book Alan Oken’s Complete Astrology Alan Oken states that Capricorn is the most inconspicuous constellation in the Zodiac. It is chiefly known for the nature of its brightest star which is actually a cluster of five suns called the Algedi. The entire constellation resembles a cocked hat or a flying bird much more than it does a goat. On the western tip (of the bird’s wings) is the cluster of five already referred to and on the eastern side is another relatively bright star called Deneb Algedi ( the tail of the goat).

The Sea-Goat will appear directly in the south when the Northern Cross (or Cygnus the Swan shines directly overhead in the early autumn sky. Deneb the Tail of the Swan) is a brilliant white star directly to the north of Deneb Algedi. Altair, the first-magnitude star in Aquila the Eagle, is also directly north of the Algedi in the western portion of the constellation.

Alan Oken points out that Capricorn contains two objects of astronomical interest. The first is a global cluster southwest of Deneb Algedi. the second phenomenon, called the Capricornids, consists of a shower of long, bright, slow moving meteors which occurs each year in late July.

The Goat’s position lies entirely below the celestial equator and is surrounded by Sagittarius on the west, Aquila on the northwest, Delphinus and Cygnus due north, Aquarius on the east, and the constellations of Microscopi and Pisces Austrinus on the south.

Alice Bailey adds her esoteric interpretation of the constellation of Capricorn. She refers to three constellations connected to Capricorn. One is called Sagitta the arrow but has no connection to the sign Sagittarius. In the sign of Sagittarius there is the archer whereby the achieving aspirant pierced the personality. In Capricorn the arrow comes from the cosmic source piercing the heart of the son of God , called the Christ, the nearest to us of the great world saviours, ” a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief”. He was pierced by the arrow Sagitta, the cosmic arrow. Alice Bailey elaborates on this theme writing that the Hebrew name for this arrow means “the desolate one”, and the path that every disciple treads is necessarily a lonely one. The path of the initiate is more lonely still. The path of the world saviour is the most lonely of all.

Aquila, the eagle, is regarded as being as closely related to Capricorn as to Sagittarius. You have the bird of light (symbol of the highest aspect of man) manifesting as the soul (the second aspect) which has achieved.

In Delphinus Alice Bailey remarks about the interesting constellation that holds in it an amazing piece of symbolism. It is pictured in an ancient zodiac as a fish full of life leaping out of the water into the air and playing. That is the symbol of the son of god who, working under the law, takes form and lives in the water and the air and since he is no longer held by the physical law he can play with the forces of nature.

Saturn or Kronos in Mythology

Kronos devouring his children

To understand the symbolism behind Capricorn we need to look at the mythology behind its ruler Saturn. Saturn has many different guises – he is sometimes depicted as Father Time or the Grim Reaper with his scythe or the Lord of Karma, the Taskmaster or the Devourer. His Greek name is Kronos from where the word, ‘chronology’, meaning time is derived. Kronos was the youngest of twelve Titans, born anthropomorphically of Ge – Gaia/Earth and Ouranos – Uranus/Sky. Kronos castrated his father Ouranus. Following this coup d’etat, Kronos married his sister Rhea who gave birth to four children whom he promptly swallowed, on hearing a prediction that he in turn would be overthrown by one of his children. Rhea tricks her husband by hiding the youngest child, Zeus, and giving Kronos a stone wrapped in swaddling clothes which he swallows instead, hence the reference to the Devourer. When Zeus reaches manhood he liberates his siblings from their father’s body and after a 10 year battle Zeus in turn emerges triumphant just as his father before him had usurped power from his father, Ouranos. Therefore, Kronos or its Roman counterpart, Saturn, in our chart is associated with time, karma, the authority figure, the teacher, the father, discipline, restriction, separation, boundaries, the physical body, diligence, responsibility, guilt, depression and vulnerability. Alice Bailey in her book, The Labours of Hercules, illuminates us further on the role of Capricorn.

The Tenth Labour of Hercules

Hercules slaying Cerberus

Hercules’ Teacher tells him that his tenth task is to rescue Prometheus from his terrible his terrible suffering in Hell, that of being chained to a rock and having his liver pecked at by vultures; the punishment meted out to him for stealing the fire of the gods. His suffering made even more terrible by the fact that he cannot die, being immortal. Before he can rescue Prometheus he must slay Cerberus, the triple-headed dog that guards the Underworld. Hercules begins his descent into Hades or Hell until he comes to the river Styx that the souls of the deceased must cross. So sombre is the visitor from the upper world that Charon, the ferryman, forgets to charge Hercules the customary fee. After an encounter with the ugly snake-haired Medusa he has an audience with Hades, the Lord of the Underworld, who asks him what a living mortal is doing in his realms. When Hercules tells Hades what his mission is, he informs him that first he must conquer Cerberus with his bare hands, a feat no one has yet performed. If he is successful, Hades tells him he may unbind the suffering Prometheus. Hercules succeeds in slaying the snarling Cerberus by grasping the central head in a vice like grip, and causing its strength to gradually subside. Having conquered the dreaded Cerberus, he then sets free Prometheus by breaking his chains. Bailey explains the symbolism of the three heads of Cerberus. The three heads symbolise sensation, desire and good intentions. The central head which was grasped by Hercules was the most important one, since desire underlies all sensations. The third head is good intentions not carried out. The tail of Cerberus is made of serpents which Bailey states typifies all illusions that impede the progress of spiritual life.

Capricorn Health and Anatomy

Anatomically, Capricorn rules the skin, teeth, knees and skeleton, sometimes causing these to be vulnerable areas for Capricorns or those with a Capricorn ascendant or Saturn prominent in their charts. The book, ‘Astrology and Biochemistry’, written by Vanda Sawtell links the biochemic salts to the twelve signs of the zodiac. She states that biochemistry is an ancient Sanskrit science which was rediscovered by Dr Schuessler in the nineteenth century. The Biochemic cell salt allocated to Capricorn is Calcium Phosphate, the principle salt used in the bony framework of the body. The body requires more Calcium phosphate than any other mineral salt as it not only plays a vital role protecting bones and teeth but also assists in assimilation and digestion. Capricorns or indeed anyone with any of these deficiencies will benefit from taking this vital cell salt. Other illnesses associated with Capricorn or Saturn afflictions are stiffness of joints and muscles, chronic rheumatic complaints, arthritis, chills, colds, catarrh and flu, deafness and depression. It is also linked to the gall bladder, calcium metabolism and anti-peristaltic movement. Capricorn is a cold sign so Capricorns would benefit from more heat producing foods such as curries, hot soups and other spices. Bach flower remedies include mimulus, rock water and red chestnut. Homeopathic remedies include Belladonna, Nux vomica and Natrium muriaticum. Aromatherapy oils which would be beneficial are cypress, honeysuckle, myrrh and patchouli. The healing musical note is F# (F sharp).

The Capricorn Hall of Fame

Capricorns are born managers and administrators, being willing to work long and hard to achieve their goals. Since they are born under the sign which rules status, prestige and worldly acclaim they want more than just a job with a good income. They want recognition for their talents. Capricorns are drawn to careers such as banking, accountancy and insurance, and politics. Like their fellow earth sign, Virgo, Capricorns have phenomenal organisational skills and self-discipline. Their ruler, Saturn, which represents tradition, inclines Capricorns toward careers in large corporations or established business or the civil service. Saturn rules structures so it is not surprising that many Capricorns choose careers in real estate, property development, the building and construction industry or architecture. Rules and regulations belong to Saturn’s domain, making law, especially corporate law an attractive option for Capricorns. Success seems to come naturally to Capricorns, as is the case with the billionaire Howard Hughes, Conrad Hilton, and Aristotle Onassis. With their natural Saturnian attributes the mantle of authority sits easily on their shoulders, as is the case with political leaders such as William Gladstone and David Lloyd George. However, when Saturnian energy is misused there can be an abuse of power such as with J Edgar Hoover’s witch-hunts of Communists or the scandal of “Watergate” which occurred

Nixon and the Watergate Scandal

under the watch of Capricornian President, Richard Nixon. More extreme aberrations resulted in the dictatorships of Joseph Stalin and Mao Ze Dong.

Joan Baez

Music is also a natural Capricorn attribute with Elvis Presley, Joan Baez, Odetta and Marianne Faithful numbered among their ranks.

Capricorn has its share of spiritual proponents in Johannes Kepler, Kahlil Gibran, Alan Watts, Maharishi Makesh Yogi, Martin Luther King Jnr., and the saints Therese Lisieux, and Bernadette of Lourdes and Saint Mary of the Cross

Saint Mary of the Cross

Saturn Cycles

No matter what sun sign we are born under we all experience the effects of Saturn in our natal chart depending on what sign and house it falls in and what aspects it makes to our other planets. We also experience regular Saturn cycles during our life. Saturn which stays approximately two and a half years in a sign is currently in Libra beginning its passage there in August 2010 until October 2012, giving all Librans more responsibility but also an opportunity to restructure their lives and build new foundations. The major Saturn cycles occur every seven years, marking a rite of passage which instigates a new phase in our life. At age seven the child loses its milk teeth and at age 14 puberty marks the onset of adolescence. The 21st birthday used to symbolise adulthood and the age one acquired the key to the door and the right to vote. Age 29 is the time of the first Saturn Return where Saturn returns to its original position that it was at birth. It can be a painful experience which contributes to emotional maturity. The Second Saturn Return at age 59 could be described as the phase where we reap the rewards of life’s journey. Following close behind is 60 which is a watershed year that may coincide with retirement and disengaging from old attitudes and responsibilities. Since the time of ancient Greece, 60 has been considered the age of philosophy and of wisdom

It is interesting to note that Jane Fonda, the Oscar winning actress, controversial political activist and fitness guru began her autobiography, ‘My Life so Far’, at age 59, at the time of her second Saturn Return. In the preface to her book she explains that she has divided her book into three acts, an analogy to her acting career. The acts coincide with the major Saturn cycles. The first act which she calls ‘Gathering’ spans from birth to age thirty, the culmination of the first Saturn Return. She describes the first act as gathering resilience, a very Saturnian quality. The second act from ages 31 to 59, the period between the two Saturn Returns, she calls ‘Seeking’ in which she poses the question, “What am I here for?”  Her third act from age 60 she calls ‘Beginning’ as it feels as if she is coming home to be embodied, another very Saturnian term. In her third and final act she feels a sense of urgency to integrate and put into practice what she has learned so far to become authentic and at peace with herself. She calls herself a ‘work in progress’. We are indeed all a ‘work in progress’ and with each Saturn transit we are given an opportunity to grow and mature as we peel the layers of the psychic onion from birth until death.

2015 Transits for Capricorn

The focus for Capricorns in 2015 is on your career with the karmic North Node and a  lunar eclipse occurring there in 4 April.


Dynamic Mars pays a visit to your relationship sector from 24 June to 8 October firing up your passion. Other cosmic visitors  are Mercury and Venus. Mercury visits here from 8-23 July facilitating communication with your partner. Venus the Goddess of love graces your love and relationship sector  with her presence from 7 May to 5 June enhancing your relationships and bringing harmony. These three visitors should liven up your love life mid year.


Your career sector is highlighted by the karmic North Node and lunar eclipse on 4 April bring career issues to a head. Dynamic Mars will also be there until 26 July endowing you with energy to achieve your goals. Mercury will have a prolonged visit here from 27 August to 2 November enhancing communications and networking in your career. Part of Mercury’s visit her will be during the retrograde cycle from 16 September to 8 October which will afford an opportunity for review. During the retrograde cycle there may be confusion with appointment or delays. Close on the heels of Mercury Venus pays a combined visit with Mars. Venus brings harmony in the workplace while Mars brings assertiveness and leadership.


Lucky Jupiter and dynamic Mars visit your finance axis. Jupiter visits your finance sector from 17 July to 11 August 2015. Part of Jupiter’s time here will be in retrograde motion from 8 December 2014 to 6 April 2015. This area rules joint finances and taxes. Two other cosmic visitors that visit here are Mercury and Venus enhancing business opportunities. Mercury pays two visits here – first from 12-31 January and then again from 14 February to 18 March. Part of Mercury’s visit here will be in retrograde motion from 14-27 February. Mercury’s retrograde phase is an ideal time to review your finances. Venus visits here from 6 March to 5 April. Dynamic  Mars makes a late entry into your finance sector arriving 5 December and remaining there until 12 January 2015. It pays a second visit on November 12 and 3 Jan 2016. You will be fired up to with enthusiasm to initiate new projects with regard your finances. It’s a time to be bold and enterprising taking risks and think outside of the square as far as investments are concerned.

Travel and Higher Education

Travel and Higher education are highlighted when lucky Jupiter enters your 9th house of travel and higher education in mid August 2015. With adventurous Jupiter in your travel zone you will catch the travel bug and be inspired to take off to explore remote places. Jupiter also promotes study, writing and publishing so strike while the iron is hot and make plans for that longed for trip or study course. Between 25 September and 8 November Mars and Venus will align with Jupiter enhancing your spirit of adventure.

Home and Family

Uranus, the co ruler of Capricorn and the planet of upheaval and sudden change, continues its passage in your solar 4th house of home and family so you can expect changes in this area of your life. It could be summed up as “Expect the unexpected! ” Pluto, the planet of transformation continues its sojourn through your sign.   The karmic South Node is also in your domestic sector. Dynamic Mars joins unpredictable Uranus from 20 Feb to 1 April causing you to be even more headstrong and impatient than usual. You will certainly have the energy to make whatever changes are needed on the homefront but a word of warning think before you act! It would be an ideal time to do move house or undertake renovations. There will be ab eclipse in your domestic sector on 28 September 2015 which would give you the impetus to cut ties from the past and gain clarity on home and family issues. With the South Node here you may be inspired to take on a major decluttering project helping you to release you from the past.

Romance, Children and Creativity

Dynamic Mars influences your creativity sector imbuing your with the courage and energy. Other cosmic visitors are Mercury and Venus. Venus, the Goddess of Love, graces your children and romance sector with her presence  bringing creative inspiration, fun and pleasure to the areas of romance and children. The normally serious Capricorn should be able to down tools and embrace the inner child and have some fun!


There is a karmic flavour to your friendships with Saturn still in your friendship sector until mid-September. Saturn is also about boundaries and restrictions so there may be a need to prioritise your friendships. Your friendships will have a serious tone to them as you choose to connect with old trusted friends rather than waste time and energy on superficial acquaintances. Once Saturn leaves your friendship sector and you have paid your karmic dues you will welcome the lighter energy of Venus and Mercury freeing you up to have a light hearted approach to friends. Venus lends her charm here from 5-30 December allowing you to forge positive bonds with friends especially during the festive season. Communication and networking is emphasised when Mercury pays a visit here from 2-20 November encouraging socialising and expanding your social networks. You are bound to have a busy social calendar.


When karmic Saturn begins its two year sojourn through you 12th house of spirituality this year it is time to take your inner life more seriously. The 12th house rules spirituality, past lives, the unconscious, dreams and institutions. This is an ideal time to retreat to recharge your batteries, keep a dream journal or take up activities such as meditation or yoga to gain inner peace and clarity.


Capricorn Greeting Card Designed by Sue Robertson
Capricorn Poem by Anne Robertson
Esoteric Astrology Volume 3 Treatise on the Seven Rays by Alice A. Bailey
Soul-Centred Astrology: A Key to your Expanding Self  by Alan Oken
Alan Oken’s Complete Astrology by Alan Oken
The Labours of Hercules by Alice A. Bailey
Astrological Keys to Self-actualization & Self-realization by Clara A. Weiss
Astrology and Biochemistry by Vanda Sawtell